Jul 30, 2011

Updates and apologizes

To start with updates. All sims, except for Antonia Uriba and Elleana Jones got a NoCC version now. Antonia Uriba has a problem and Elleana was originally uploaded without CC so she's clean either way.
They've also got a 'neutral face' shots so that their features are more visible now.

Apologizes are for Antonia Uriba being faulty. Her everyday hair seems to be crashing the game. I can't stay in CAS long enough to edit her so, for now, she'll stay online but I'll try to clean her up. I'm really sorry if she caused any problems. I know how frustrating it is when TS3 crashes... yet again. Even if you don't have a certain CC it should just generate a base-game one, it shouldn't crash or degenerate a sim in any way. But... it's EA and, though we love them, we hate them.

I apologize again... and happy simming.